The Winter 2014 issue of the PAR newsletter is out — take a look at it here.
Read about: Geary Bus Rapid Transit plans feature five alternatives; help create a better playground at Mountain Lake Park; SFPD's Crisis Intervention Team; updates on Fulton 5 Limited, Lake Street pedestrian islands and Clement Street speed humps, proposals and process for Presidio commissary redevelopment, new Grocery Outlet on Geary, and more.
And be sure to come to the Winter member meeting, everyone's welcome:
PAR Winter 2014 general meeting
Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 7 pm - 9 pm
Richmond Recreation Center, 251 18th Avenue
(between Clement & California streets)
Catch up on updated plans for the new La Playa Safeway, and learn about the Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond measure on the June 2014 ballot. Come and be a part of PAR's community conversation.