Richmond Station Newsletter
Friday, 03/16/2012
Captain’s Message
Traffic Issues:
The Richmond District has seen a significant increase if traffic accidents this week due to the weather. Fortunately, there have been no serious, or life threatening injuries. Many crashes are caused by driving too fast for current conditions. The first and foremost tip: SLOW DOWN. Vehicles simply can’t stop as fast, or turn as accurately on wet pavement. Prepare in advance by leaving early, allowing yourself plenty of time to get where you’re going. Check to see that your windshield wipers are in good condition. Remember to keep your headlights on anytime you have your windshield wipers on continuously (it’s the law).
This Saturday is St. Patrick’s Day. Richmond Station Officers will be conducting extra traffic enforcement in the District to ensure public safety and to reduce the number of intoxicated drivers on the roadway. Attached are some interesting DUI facts related to the consequences of a DUI arrest. (From the SFPD website, Avoid the 14 campaign):
· A DUI conviction can cost you $7,000 or more in fines, penalties, jail costs, and storage fees. Your insurance company will raise your premium; maybe even cancel your policy.
· If your blood-alcohol level is .08 or above, the Officer will take your driver’s license away on the spot. Anyone with a driver’s license is presumed to have given consent to law enforcement to conduct chemical testing of the driver’s blood or breath.
· The Officer will issue a 30-day temporary license endorsement. This allows the DMV to suspend your license.
· If you refuse to take a test or fail to complete a test, your license will be suspended for one year.
· Are you under 21? If your blood-alcohol level is .01% or higher, your license may be revoked or suspended.
· On your first conviction, you will serve at least 96 hours to six months in jail, then three to five years’ probation
Please remember to drive defensively at all times, wear your seat belt, don’t drink and drive, and reduce your speed when on slick pavement.
The next Richmond District community meeting will be held at Richmond Station on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 7pm. Part of the program will include the SFPUC to gather information from our Community. (See Below)
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is making investments to improve the sewer system and we want to hear from the public. The Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) is a collection of projects needed to keep the system working well into the future. Over the next several years, the SFPUC will carefully evaluate the sewer collection system, using a watershed based approach, to understand challenges and possible project solutions. The SFPUC team will be gathering information from the public to better understand storm water and sewer issues in each of San Francisco ’s watersheds (e.g. neighborhoods). We want to know what happens in your block, neighborhood or place of business. This information will help us make better decisions about how to improve the sewer system while we strive to make the city and its neighborhoods safer and environmental sustainable.
Richmond Station distributes an email newsletter every Friday. Our newsletter, which is sent to several hundred email addresses, contains information about recent crimes, arrests and upcoming events in the District. To be added to this list, please email us at[email protected].
Captain Eric Vintero
Noteworthy Arrests
Noteworthy Incidents
On 03/09/12 at 5pm on the 200 block of Stanyan, the resident was in his garage loading up his vehicle with the garage door shut. As he opened up the garage door he observed the suspect exiting his front gate. The victim said that the suspect was not carrying any items, but as he inspected the area he saw that his bike had been taken from the area behind the locked gate. He hadn’t heard any noises from the front prior to going down to his garage. The suspect was described as a male, 30-40 years of age, wearing a black jacket and brown overalls.
On 03/10/12 at 12:14am, a fight broke out in a bar on the 4600 block of Geary Bl. The victim and his friend were playing pool when another patron got into an argument with the friend. A glass went flying and struck the victim in the head, causing a laceration. The fight moved from inside to the sidewalk outside and the 5 suspects fled the area.
On 03/11/12 at 1:22am, the victim and her friend were walking on Post near Scott St when they heard footsteps running up from behind them. The suspect appeared in front of them and grabbed the victim’s purse from her wrist. They tried to give chase but lost the suspect as he fled south on Scott St . The suspect was described as a male, 25-30 years of age, 6’0”, 175lbs wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.
On 03/12/12 at 6:10am, a resident of an apartment building heard one of the garage doors open, and then shut. She did not hear the sounds of a car starting and thought it was unusual. She went down to investigate and saw the suspect standing in the middle of the garage. The resident then saw that the doors to her own vehicle were open and the interior light was on. She also noticed that the suspect was holding her motorcycle helmet which had been stored in a bag in the garage. The victim confronted the suspect and asked what she was doing. The suspect replied “Nothing” and exited the garage. The victim checked her vehicle further and saw that she was missing two Ipods and two pairs of ski goggles. The suspect was described as a female, 20-30 years of age, with dreadlocks or matted down hair.
On 03/13/12 at 12:45pm, an employee of a church was assaulted by a homeless male who had come in to use the washing machine, which is a service the church provides. The employee stated he was explaining the rules when without provocation the suspect punched the victim in the head, causing him to fall backwards on the floor. The suspect fled in and unknown direction. He was described as a male, 45 years of age, 6’0”, and 180 lbs with blonde hair. He was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.
Richmond Station Resource List:
911 |
Police/ Fire/Ambulance |
415 553-0123 |
Cell Phone 911 |
415 553-8090 |
Anonymous Tip Line |
415 575-4444 |
Citywide |
Anonymous Tip Line ( Richmond ) |
415 668-7387 |
Richmond Station Tip Line |
Customer Service Center |
311 |
Richmond Police Station |
415 666-8000 |
Email:[email protected] |
Captain Eric Vintero |
415 666-8030 |
Email: [email protected] |
Community Liaison |
Officer Lorie Brophy 415-666-8000 |
Email: [email protected]
Permits/Special Events |
Officer Tobius Moore |
415-666-8000 |
Deputy City Attorney |
415 554-3880 |
Email: [email protected] |
Department of Parking & Traffic |
415 553-1943 |
Department of Public Works |
415 695-2020 |
DPW Dispatch |
Graffiti Abatement |
415 278-9454/415 278-9456 fax |
Graffiti Abatement Coordinator |
Sergeant Stephanie Long |
Email:[email protected] |
Homeless Issues |
Officer Gary Mendribil Officer Robert Ramos |
SFPD Website |
For Crime Stats, Internet reports, etc |
415 673-SAFE (415 673-7233) |
Email: [email protected] |
Child Passenger Safety Seats |
Officer Young Chi |
415 666-8000 |
Geary Boulevard |
Clement Street |
Officer Phil Busalacchi 666-8000 |
Richmond Beat 43 |
Officer Eddie Wu 666-8000 |
Richmond Beat 43C |
Officer Stanley Lee 666-8000 |
Do you know a high school student interested in learning about a career in law enforcement?
"PAL Cadets has made me more responsible and think about my future. I now think much more about my actions and decisions." ---PAL Cadet
"I am now more motivated to get my college degree" -- PAL Cadet
"The program has clarified options has given my son a clear road map of how to take the skills he is developing so he can apply them to any career he wishes to pursue" --- Parent of a PAL Cadet
Applications are available for the 2012 PAL Law Enforcement Cadet Academy and Internship Program. The PAL Cadet program includes an intensive 4-week Summer Cadet Academy (June-July) followed by an SFPD station internship and community service (August through May.) Participants may stay in the program for as many years as they are eligible*
- Recommending the program to students you believe may be interested and encourage them to check out the following:
- Encouraging students to attend an upcoming information session to ask questions and find out more at the Police Academy at 350 Amber Drive, San Francisco, Room 100 on on of two dates:
- Thursday, March 22nd from 6-7:00pm
- OR Saturday, March 24th from 10-11 am
The deadline for applications is Friday, April13, 2011 at 5:pm. Applications and additional flyers (English and Spanish) are available for download at For questions
contact [email protected] or 415-401-4669.
*Eligibility: must be between ages 14-20, be enrolled in high school or college, have and maintain a 2.0 GPA, reside or attend school in San Francisco and pass a criminal history
background check.
WHAT: FREE Disaster Preparedness Training - NERT
WHO: Everyone!!!
WHERE: Laurel Heights/Pacific Heights
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco , 3200 California St @ Presidio Ave
WHEN: Thursdays, 8:30am – 5:30pm March 29 AND April 5, 2012*
* Please note that it is very important for participants to attend all sessions in order to gain the full scope and benefit of the training. New students may not join on the second day of training as too much material has already been covered. A Certificate will be issued. Make ups may be approved.
HOW: RSVP to [email protected] or call 415-970-2024to register. Visit to
see more about the training, other locations, and register on line.
WHY: So we are prepared to do what we can for
each other. Help make SF a resilient City!!!
Potluck Celebration – March 18th, Sunday
Let’s celebrate moving the Westside Recycled Water Treatment Plant out of Golden Gate Park ! To give everyone time to recover from the History Expo, we will party on March 18th . Come to a potluck, and enjoy the victory! R.S.V.P. here.
Date: Sunday, March 18th
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: 1243 42nd Avenue, between Lincoln and Irving.
Who: Everyone who wants to celebrate moving the water treatment plant out of Golden Gate Park !
Talk about: The water treatment plant location move; our next outreach plans; an update on EIR status for the Beach Chalet. If you are new to our group, learn more about the Beach Chalet soccer complex.
Bring: Yourself! And a dish or snack to share (optional).
Wear: Warm socks – we ask folks to remove their shoes.
New ideas: Bring your design ideas for the current 4-acre construction yard, where the water treatment plant was going to be built. What would you like to see there that would complement the designed “wildness” of the western end of the Park - -native plants? Tulips? Picnic area? Meadow? Forest ? Let’s come up with a new concept for the western end of Golden Gate Park that combines parkland with kids playing on real grass at the Beach Chalet fields.
Do you want to learn a valuable trade?
The Carpenters Training Committee for Northern California is accepting
applications for a FREE nine week Carpenters Pre-Apprentice Program in
Pleasanton .
This program is an intense full time training course. Upon successful
completion, graduates become eligible to enter into a Carpenters
Apprenticeship Program.
This training is being offered to serious applicants only.
Applications are available online and can be mailed in. OR Apply in person at CTCNC Pleasanton Training Center
2350 Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton CA 94566
Contact: Local 22 Representative Manuel Flores at (415) 355-1322
Join the San Francisco Community Police Academy
The Community Police Academy is a 15-week program that meets once a week and is designed to inform and teach interested participants various aspects of municipal policing, including patrol and investigations procedures, vehicle operations, arrest and control techniques, firearm procedures and emergency communications.
The Academy’s goals are to develop community awareness through education and to develop a closer understanding and working relationship between the San Francisco Police Department and its communities. Members of the community are encouraged to join and learn about the San Francisco Police Department. Participants can ask questions and offer comments within each class. The next class is scheduled to start later in the year. We now also have a Youth Community Police Academy , geared towards high school students and will last 10 weeks.
The Community Police Academy participants are selected by the program coordinator after an application process. Enrollment is limited to twenty-five students per class.
For more information, including application process, please contact Ms. Lula Magallon at (415) 401-4720.
Become a Community Court panelist and give back to your community.
Community Court is a restorative justice program that addresses misdemeanor crimes which occur in your neighborhood. As a panelist, you have a unique opportunity to hear offenses that impact your quality of life, determine its consequences, and figure out how best to resolve it using meaningful sanctions. Use your neighborhood wisdom to solve neighborhood problems. Make your neighborhood better - get involved today!
For more information, please contact the District Attorney's Office, Jackson Gee, 575-6328 or [email protected]. "
SFPAL 2010 Summer Cadet
By sanfranciscopal| 1 video